Issues with Bricksync



  • Well, it's no longer working as it should so call it what you want. But I should be able to work around it now that I am aware of the problem/issue/bug.
    Going 100% with BS for partouts would be fine but I can't tell how/if it handles mycost values. My understanding from reading the commands description is that it will update mycost to whatever is in the file you add, ignoring the ones already in the inventory. That is not what I want.
  • @bricksinbins, trying to understand what you want to do, you would like to import inventory using BrickSync and set the MyCost field. I expect this will overwrite the mycost value for existing lots, but you want to combine the values? how?
  • @bricksinbins - that should be easy to achieve. There may be another way but this is one:

    Copy the master inventory file from the BrickSync folder to somewhere else, then open this file in BrickStore. Then 'part out' your new inventory into another BrickStore document, and use the "Copy Values from Document..." option in the Edit menu. You can also use this to copy existing inventory location details if you use those. Then 'merge' this BrickStock document via BrickSync.
  • Hmm.. I'm not reading anything that would indicate the mycost values are combined, let alone properly averaged like you can do via the BL web page. I don't believe this functionality exists in BS at all unfortunately.
  • Ah, sorry, averaging is a different than what I was thinking. Yeah, I agree, I don't think that's possible in BrickSync.
  • Yes it does with the BrickStore option Merge Averages
  • I just started to get an error message for the color "reddish copper" has this color been updated in the newer builds? Could someone give me layman’s instructions on how to update?
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