Name editing

I thought I would give a bit of information for anyone who would like to have free rein on editing names.

If you see any part on the website that either doesn't have a name, or you think the name could be better, please do submit a name change request via the edit form. We want the parts to be named in plain English, in the same way that you would speak them. So for example, "Round Plate with Hole" instead of "Plate, Round with Hole". If you think of any keywords that might apply, for example the theme or set it was used in or a minifigure it came in, you can add them as tags.

If you want to change the names in a specific category, if you go to any item in that category, for example a technic gear after you have submitted your change, there is a link at the bottom to view the next technic gear. That way you can go through all of the items in one category fairly quickly by submitting and clicking next each time.

By having names that are plain English instead of structured, this does mean that if you sort by name it will not sort them into similar parts. We will be in fermenting category sorting on everywhere that is applicable so names can be names and categories can be used for sorting.


  • 65 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As long as there is some sort of structure to the naming. Having some of what we know as wedge plates and round corner plates being renamed as "plates with corner missing" vs "wedge plate" could start to confuse things. Where shall size go in the mix? "4x4 round plate with hole" or "round 4x4 plate with hole"?

    Almost need a taxonomy guide for part, subtype, size, features, etc.

  • plate with cut corner vs plate with round corner??
  • As far as a taxonomy, it goes sort of like "Type dimensions features variation" so for example "Round Brick 2 x 2 with Hole"

    Ultimately I'm on the other end hitting approve/disapprove with reason so I can advise people if I think the name change won't be an improvement.
  • What needs to be done, needs to be done, (It has all happened before, and it will all happen again).

    One remark/question/thought...., We store are bricks by category..., hope the general line will stay the same.... (so wedge plates (cut corner)) are in a different box than plates round (cut corner)... or do the all become "adapted" plates.... (plate modified)....., this would really make things complex logistically.....
  • Not if I go Owl only. ;-) But yes, I agree, some sort of similarity across platforms would help.

    edited September 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Which we are seriously considering (BL store is currently closed... :) ), changing categories would potentially mean shuffling Lego around in our store for the unforeseeable time and driving the label writer crazy...?
  • As far as a taxonomy, it goes sort of like "Type dimensions features variation" so for example "Round Brick 2 x 2 with Hole"
    So is the preference for "Wedge Plate 4x4" or "Plate 4x4 with Cut Corner". I don't know that "wedge plate" is a TLG term. Though most users will probably recognize that.


  • I have just tried a few relating to photos I have previously uploaded and I am stumped, I do not know what I can and cannot call anything, and I do not want to look elsewhere for inspiration for risk off accusation, and no I wasn't going to look there anyway and no I wasn't just going to copy from elsewhere, there are only so many logical names you can call something.

    I mean a cat is a cat whichever way you look at it.

    I have a conscience and it has the power %-(
  • Sooo... what's the difference between a rim and a wheel? Are we adding a new part type and possible confusion here?

  • I'm also seeing a lot of misspelled and/or German names on many parts now. Is this being checked before going live?

  • More exploring of new names and conventions. My poor little head...

  • edited September 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Did Parts -> Sports have to go away? We still have Sets -> Sports and 'Sports' is what's listed on the boxes. Why not the parts as well?

  • I'm sure much of what I'm doing will make many people cry. If you see any misspelled/foreign names, please submit a better name. The BL Sports Part category was just a dumping ground of other parts. If it helps, we will later allow items to be in multiple categories, the database can already handle that.
  • Sweet. So long as there is a plan and action I'm happy.

    How is a huge collection of LEGO Unnamed Part 1234 helpful to resubmitting details? :-/

  • I acknowledge your question, but have no useful response.
  • At a minimum I would like to recommend pulling Quatro out of Themed Parts. It is closely related to Duplo and Primo.

    Maybe Wedge(Wing) could be broken into Flat, Standard, Decorated, and Inverted?
  • I acknowledge your question, but have no useful response.
    So if I see a part that is unnamed and has no other reference, you're saying it's an orphan and there's no way to rectify it?


  • I mean a cat is a cat whichever way you look at it.

    Cat new name:

    Mammal - Four legged, Pointy ears, tail, domesticated house pet, undog

    LOL. Sorry, I had to.

    I'm jumping on board to help with names, like others just trying to find my sea legs first.

    @Admin, you are going above and beyond, we appreciate all your hard work.

  • I've got the kids in bed, and other things put on hold to get immersed in this.

    No forum reading for at least the rest of the day.....

    Just remind myself that rejections don't matter and go.

    Be one with the brick.... na na na na na na...

    I am not stalling...
  • How do we know if an unnamed item has a pending Name submission? I don't want to re-do work someone else has done.
  • My experience is that after you click on the item to edit it, you'll see a new base name in the field already. If this is the case, I assume it's been entered but not approved. I've been leaving them alone.

  • I've had a go at some, not sure if I made it better or just a mess for @admin to clean up. Going to stop until I get a few rejected/accepted.
  • @admin: I've just noticed a huge amount of parts, minifigs and sets (well basically everything it seems) got renamed to: lego unnamed ... Was this intentional? Does it have anything to do with the upcoming changes? The most logical thing for me to do would be to simply look up the same part on BL and use that name ... is this allowed? For instance a minifig Harry Potter would still be called Harry Potter here no?
  • If there is already a submission, there isn't currently a way to see, usually I don't take that long to approve them ( unless I have an issue with it). Saying that though, there have been so many submissions my hand got tired approving them.

    @The Hellmouth if the part only existed on BL it now has no name unless a user has previously entered the name.

    With short names, like Harry Potter mini figure, there is only one way to say that. With long names, there is usually more ways to say it. What I would say is, if an item has a picture, try to name the item by looking at the picture as for example a mother would if they had the item in their hand and wanted to go on the Internet to buy it. However, please don't name it "Lego Thingy-ma-bob"
  • Admin says:

    With short names, like Harry Potter mini figure, there is only one way to say that. With long names, there is usually more ways to say it. What I would say is, if an item has a picture, try to name the item by looking at the picture as for example a mother would if they had the item in their hand and wanted to go on the Internet to buy it. However, please don't name it "Lego Thingy-ma-bob"
    @admin I tried this with the sweater minifig but gave up as I am not sure if it was far enough away from it.

    i.e. BL version:
    Green V-Neck Sweater, Dark Brown Legs, Dark Brown Short Tousled Hair, Safety Goggles

    My version: Green sweater with V neck, Dark Brown legs, Dark Brown Short Messy hair, Safety Glasses

    Is this acceptable?

    And no doubt your hand is tired, hopefully you still have some hair left too! This has got to be a trying time for you, we appreciate all your hard work.

  • @Admin: hm, I get the idea but that would loose a lot of information. Take Ninja-Go as an example. I don't know all those names by heart or by looking at the picture. So I would just name them by their color ... red ninja, blue ninja, whatever. But those minifigs HAVE names, given by lego. Those names are listed on the box, in the manual, etc. So what I do in this case is look them up and use those names. I can't help that BL already did the same thing now can I?
  • @TheBrickMill As far as I'm concerned, as long as you create the name without looking at someone else's name immediately prior, that is fine. Copyright is not like patents or trademark, it should not stop someone independently coming up with a similar idea.

    @The Hellmouth, if that's the names given by Lego, then use those names, BL certainly doesn't have copyright over names they took from elsewhere.
  • @the_Hellmouth The way I understand it is that if it is a person with a proper name (Harry Potter, Batman, Tonto, etc.) then that name can be used here. If it is a city minifig or one of the older indian minifigs, etc. then we need to try and deviate from the BL description but still use descriptive words one might search with. Hoping I have got it right!
  • @admin I got a few rejection notices but since they are for unnamed items I can't tell what they were for to fix them LOL :)
  • For minifigs, especially for the themed lines, I suggest using the base names as they appear on the set boxes. This way, the other site cannot complain about copying their nomenclature.

    Variants of the same character can have the primary name with the distinguishing feature(s) put in brackets. For example Yoda can have:

    - Yoda (Santa outfit)
    - Yoda (NY I Heart Torso)

    It would be nice to have them all standardised if we could. Perhaps we can systematise the descriptions in the following order: hairpiece description, followed by head/face description, followed by torso and arms description, followed by legs description, followed by any other remarkable feature description. Basically, top to bottom.

    If BO uses a standardised system that it can call its own then there can be no issue about copying/stealing IP from the other site.

    So HP038 could be Harry Potter (Tousled Hair, Yellow Head, Sand Green Sweater, Blue Legs). That's far away enough from BL's description, which is Harry Potter, Sand Green Sweater Torso, Blue Legs.

    Alternatively, to the extent possible, we can use the names from the Character Encyclopedias or Lego Sticker Books or other publicly published material endorsed by TLG. This would cover Star Wars, Ninjago, Batman, and some others. Again, this would nullify any claim that the nomenclature had been copied from BL. Second of all, there is a possibility that some mothers who want to buy minifigs for their kids might try to search the internet based on these materials.

    Just my suggestion.

  • Personally I would prefer not to have a structure for the name that involves symbols. I would prefer something like "Yoda with Santa Outfit" because it is closer to what a user would actually type.

    With regards to Harry Potter, rather than putting lots of detail in the name, if there is a common name that is in context for example " Harry Potter with Quidditch Outfit", I prefer that to a detailed description of the colour of all the components. Detail component descriptions can go in the variant description field which will appear as a bullet pointed list on the item.
  • Hi Lawrence, noted.

    I'll try my hand at Ninjago and whatever I can do for Star Wars. Some of my name edit requests have been approved, but I can't seem to see any changes to the catalog? Perhaps I am doing something wrong?

    For Super Heroes, should I try to re-categorise them under Super Heroes as they are currently uncategorised? Or is there a way for you to mass edit them back into the propert category?
  • Having just seen all the new posts in the forum I have missed since last night, I feel guilty now for spending the morning doing other things instead of continuing to help out here :((

    Same as other people have said though, I do not want to submit something that has already been submitted, sooooo I will start by taking a look at what I have submitted and see what has and has not been approved and take it from there.

    Thanks for making me feel guilty all you contributors \m/

    Keep up the good work guys and girls and @admin.
  • I have been/will be in Technic. Axles, beams and pins I gave my best go.

    Plan on going to connectors and standard now that I have sleep and coffee.

  • I am lost in Flex Cables if people who have those listed could help identify what listing is what.

    It would be easy to start over but if people have them for sale now....
  • ........there is a link at the bottom to view the next technic gear. That way you can go through all of the items in one category fairly quickly by submitting and clicking next each time.
    I can't get this working for me, seems to randomly jump to parts in other categories when I try.

  • You might have picked a bad time, I just reset the categories, maybe try it in a minute or two.
  • @Admin

    While I remember to say it , instead of putting it off again, and I know you are busy, but on rejected catalog submissions, could there be a way they could be thrown back at the submitter so they can see what needs alteration, then it would be much quicker to amend & resubmit, and keep track.

    A button on the catalog contributions page or something along those lines to view rejected ones and amend or delete as necessary.

    Thank you.
  • @nathvw on a few of mine I have gotten emails with comments that were helpful, but not on all. Not sure what the difference was? Maybe too many submissions right now?
  • Might be to do with the fact I may have thrown my dummy out of the pram at Lawrence a few weeks ago when my effort outweighed my abilities with catalog submissions, and he does not send me as many emails with any rejections now.

    Also I think that if Lawrence has made a minor alteration to the submission it sets the submission to rejected?? Not sure on that just a theory.
  • Time out... you broke up the Technic category? Oh, please put the plates and bricks back in there. There is nothing proprietary about THAT! Even LDraw and Peeron keep them together.

  • @Nathvw: Important point about access to rejected requests and reasons why. I am personally quite sensitive to rejected submissions, and I would really appreciate having A) a record of what I submitted that got rejected, and B) some indication of what I need to do differently in the future. A simple stock answer selected from a list would be an acceptable "indication" for most cases, but perhaps with the capability of custom responses for trickier issues.

    And once I would have had the chance to review the reason and learn from my mistake, I would like the ability to "archive" the rejected submission point so that I am not reminded of it every time I view my contribution page - sort of like archiving a completed transaction on eBay.

    It may be a lot of work to develop a system like this and to maintain the communication, but I believe it would pay huge dividends down the road. And it would be one more way this site could set itself apart from its competitor.
  • when I reject something, if I think it would be beneficial to tell the user, I fill the message in and it sends an e-mail. there are many cases where I don't do this, for example, duplicates submissions of the exact same data, where I need to edit it myself, when many items are being rejected for the same reason and the reason has already been given.

    In the future you will be able to see a list of exactly what has been approved and disapproved. Basically, I will never reject something without giving a reason just because I don't like it or disagree with it, I will only do it when I think there is no benefit to the user to give a reason.
  • @admin Ty for the clarification.

    On tags for minifigs/animals, etc., should we add set numbers? Set names? What are you looking for, what are you not?

    Edited to add: Just saw you sent me a message about that. So no adding sets and set numbers. Any other guidelines?

  • edited September 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Anything you would have otherwise putting the name but would not flow like plain English in the name. Or another definition, keywords that might help people to find the item, but not set name/number/the current category/the current theme as they are achieved in other ways

    One usage that is quite cool, some people put the actors name of the character. Or if there is a word that is often misspelled, or a foreign spelling of the word (us/uk english), or a different word that means the same thing.
  • @admin Ty, very helpful. I was wondering about common misspelling, when I did the Polar Bear a little bit ago I wanted to add "artic" as well but refrained as I know I get bogged down in details (as you can see).

    If I end up making more work for you than actually helping just let me know, I promise not to cry too much, LOL.
  • edited September 2013 Vote Up0Vote Down
    A list would be great, then we can keep track.

    Sorry if I personally had duplicate submissions, I just kept finding more and more items yesterday that needed sorting, and with them being unnamed/uncategorised and how close in detail a lot of those minifiures were, it was difficult to answer the question 'didn't I just do that one'

    I do hope what was approved has helped out though.

    However I would hate to be wasting your time if my submissions are no good, and with the catalog points I have already accumulated, I could just retire and give somebody else the chance, although I want to keep helping, and you will have a hard time stopping me unless I am just making a mess.
  • Don't worry about it, it doesn't take much time to reject them
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