I was using both lego sites to sell, but have decided to only sell on Brick Owl. Now I can get a backup of my entire store as a XML but I am not able to open it with BrickStock. I can still use BrickStock to part out sets then add it to BO, but then how does one add there "my remarks or notes" on where they store each part. On the other site BL I use to enter in my inventory a set number and it brings up my inventory that is in that set, so from there I enter in any missing comments on location of each part.
I am having trouble figuring out how to do this on Brick Owl, any help on what methods you might use would be helpful. Thanks.
Brickstock allows to enter remarks, so that while you Part Out trough Brickstock, when you import you can choose what you do with the remarks field (consolidate or not)
Without /batch, I guess I could still spread the required 90000 API queries over two weeks to avoid probably getting my IP banned by BrickOwl's anti-Denial-of-Service defenses...
But it was released after Jav asked the question.