Is there a market for a used / reconstructed cafe corner ?

I realized couple weeks back that I have most of the pieces on hand to build two cafe corners (including the hard to get ones like the 2362a etc).
I have built one for my own collection and I wonder if there is any market for one or if I might be better of just put up the list for sale.
I have been eying BL to see how much those sell for. The price seems great but I don't seem to see any of them sold ;)


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If complete, sell it as a whole, if you're not eager to exagarate on price, it will sell fairly fast. Basicly the PO value for recomposing a set in used condition is around $620 (excluding shipping), so around that price you'll most likely find a buyer quickly, as he'll only have to spend 1x shipping in stead of recomposing himself and spend 2 dozen times shippingcosts to gather up all the pieces from a variaty of sellers. I once bought an incomplete one (just for fun) for around $200 and spended another $100 on parts, sold it around $550 about 1,5 years ago, and quite fast (less then 2 weeks).
  • Great thanks for the advice.
  • I ended taking the lazy approach and I think it turned out better than building one (although less fun)
    I did make myself very visible under rebrickable. I made sure to stock up all the pieces so I appeared toward the top of the list of vendors for the "cafe corner". I think it did the trick. Within 4 weeks or so all the prized pieces where gone including 2 large orders that most likely where to build the cafe corner.
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