What is the recommenced adding pieces per day

Hello i am new round here and i just wanted to ask what is the recommended speed of adding items to my store per day. How do i know if i am adding at a good speed?

Also i have a 20% discount in my store Alfie’s bazaar until 1st of July and a 20% discount for new seller until 15th of July. If you are a new seller send me a message and i will create the coupon.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The good speed is when you do it without errors and have time to breath, eat, sleep, walk the dog (if applicable), kiss your wife (or husband) and feel good about it all.

    In others words, there is nothing to be said about a good speed. It depends how well you know your Lego and what you have to do outside of Lego.
    So do as many as you can without making (to much) errors and feel good :)

    For me, days go by without adding items and sometimes we do 3000 in a day and we have had a
    day where we put in about 10.000 items, but thats rare
  • I have thousands of parts to add but adding them takes me a really long time due every day life. I have set my self a small target of 100 parts a day min, would normally be much higher but I would be happy with 700 parts a week
  • No absolute number as far as I'm concerned. It mostly depends on orders and whether I'm on top of cleaning and photographing parts. Generally the photography is the thing that could delay it; I don't add anything for sale unless there is a photo or graphic, but I will wait until I have a batch of things before setting up the light tent. Then there is the post production, uploading and waiting for approval. Common parts get added quicker. Plus outside factors can impact it. At the moment, due to coronavirus, my other work is non-existent so I can dedicate a bit more time to this, but the flipside is it gives me time to do other non-LEGO based projects as well, such as house maintenance, that I would otherwise struggle to fit in.

    Basically, could be none, one, or many!!
  • Per week I try to add at least twice the value sold, that way my store keeps growing, but not to an extend where it is impossible to manage. If I find out I have less time to spend, I prefer to control the order intake by playing around with the prices instead of reducing the amount of time adding inventory. Two reasons for this: 1. As inventory that's still laying around waiting in boxes unlisted is 'dead' money, it's not doing anything. 2. the store is an investment long term, if I ever struggle with a full time job, I can just drop the prices to average or below and generate a normal - close to full time - income stream. Right now I don't need it, in the future I might need it.
  • Also i am starting to struggle on finding new and interesting pieces rather than the same, old, boring grey pieces and 2x4s. Has anyone got any advice on what to do when that happens ?
  • Looking on Craig's List, the newspaper, auction sites, etc., for good lots is always a great way to get a great variety of items to sell. Also, if you have friends with older teens/20-somethings, I have had no prob asking them if their kids still want their old LEGO and if not, offer to buy it off them (WITH the kid's permission of course, lol).
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