Stripe - Payment Uncaptured


I am having an issue with an order that I received. I went to pack and ship it like normal, but I noticed that on the order page it says, "The payment for this order must be captured before 24 Jun 2020 14:47. 6 days 21 hours remaining to mark the order as shipped." Going to Stripe confirmed that the order was indeed not captured. I have used Stripe before on another site, but have not run into this issue before, and am not sure how to advise my buyer.

This buyer is brand new if that means anything and it is a very small order.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is just advice on every Stripe order, it does not indicate any particular risk with any particular customer. On Brick Owl, the payment is authorised at checkout, but is not captured until the order is shipped, which is in line with standard e-commerce practice. The authorisation only lasts for seven days, so the order must be shipped or manually captured within that time.
  • Thank you so much! In my order process (from another site) I am used to confirming payment before I do anything with an order, so didn't even think it would capture once it was marked at shipped.

    Thanks again!
  • Wrong thread, oops.
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