Consider Adding Customer Username to Orders Export

I would like to suggest adding the customer's username to the Orders Export (.xls) file for our stores.

I admittedly want this for completely selfish reasons... we donate 10% of all our sales, and we list each customer's username for each donation made (lumped together every 2-3 weeks), e.g., I don't show Sandy V______, I show Calibrick on the donation. Currently, I have to hand-type this for every single order going back and forth between the donation site and the order list, and it gets time-consuming, as well as subject to poor typing on my part. ;-)

I'd further like to ask if the site is open to implementing this, to please consider adding this as the LAST column on the download file. I've noticed changes to at least one download file lately that broke my offline Excel workbook and a macro, as I have macros that expect to find data in specific columns in the order export files (I have to calc mycost of every order for tax purposes). I do figure out where the change was made and then adjust my Excel workbook accordingly, but some times its faster than others. ;-)

I can see other uses for this... while BO now awesomely offers analytics for showing repeat customers (LOVE THAT), I can see Excel-savvy folks like me wanting to do deeper analysis offline, such as grouping by region, etc., which this could enable for us data junkies. :-)

Thank you so much for any consideration given to this idea! LOVING all the changes this year, the site has really come so far sooooo fast! The new server's speed rocks too!

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