How do I set up shipping lego

I'm not sure how to ship lego with canada post, and what to ship it in, and how to set it up on brickowl. Help would be very very much appreciated.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi, @Mcguy215! While I'm unsure about Canadian specifics, you setup your BO shipping as follows:

    1. Go to My Store
    2. Click Settings tab
    3. Click Shipping Methods bubble (underneath the gray tabs)
    4. Click the blue Shared Shipping Methods button
    5. Click on the Author column - that'll sort by country; choose a CA method you'll be using
    6. Modify the pricing, etc. to suit your needs and save it - this will save it to your store
    7. Repeat for additional methods

    From a US point of view, I needed to do research with our postal service to determine rates, weigh my anticipated packaging and invoice and polybags, etc., to come up with a formula of a fair $$ to tack onto the postal service costs for each weight band.

    I hope this is enough to get you started! :-)
  • Re your second question (what it ship it in), I can't speak to any CA rules (I'm from the US), but I personally use a combination of bubble mailers (smaller orders) and boxes (big orders, sets). Weight is clearly a factor, so keep that in mind. I've received orders from CA in bubble mailers (paper outside, bubble inside), plastic bubble mailers, and boxes. Packaging is a cost factor you need to consider, as well as the weight you'll be adding on top of the parts you are shipping (if you're adding a biz card, invoice, presorting ordered parts in polybags, etc.). I go pretty simple... I charge actual USPS cost based on the BO estimated weight (they're actually pretty close) plus $0.50US - that covers packaging costs, etc., for me. All other fees (PayPal, BO, etc.) are built into my actual part prices.

    Good luck with your new store!
  • Ooops, I forgot one thing above - what you are mailing it in adds weight to... so I "pad" my shipping estimates by 1/2 oz to ensure the mailer weight is included for orders less than a pound; e.g., a 4 oz order actually gets charged the cost of 4.5 oz. Once I hit a pound, I pad more as we're likely getting into larger mailers, and at two pounds, boxes.
  • Thanks Calibrick! :D
    The Canada Post stuff isn't very clear so I was finding it hard to figure out what to do.
    I was finding it difficult to find a good resource for Canada Post Shipping / Prices.
    Anyways, I think this is what i need (
    But I'm not sure if that is prepaid or what. Thanks for all of the help! :)
  • @Mcguy215 As a heads-up, those are not prepaid and very very overpriced. If you're just starting out and do not need much in terms of supplies, the dollar store is your best bet. #000, #0 and #2 bubble mailers are best. You'll also want to keep a few boxes on hand just incase someone orders parts that end up being more than a bubble mailer worth. Once you grow the store and you start selling more, I'd recommend getting your bubble mailers from Costco.

    Make sure to sign up for a Small Business account with Canada Post. You don't need an official business # or anything with the government; anyone can sign up for this account :smile: This will get you better parcel rates as if you use the "counter" rates, you'll turn away a lot of buyers (especially US/Internationally). The other plus side is you can prepare and print your labels at home. Once you have the Small Business account, there are some pouches you can order for free so you print your label, cut it from the receipt part, place in the pouch and good to go.

    Although, especially when starting out, most orders will be smaller and fit into Lettermail. Be very careful about your settings because Canada Post has a limit of 2cm including all padding etc... When you create your Lettermail shipping option (as you'll need a couple of them like Lettermail, Parcel, etc) be sure to enter the max dimensions. Usually you keep this a bit smaller than the package itself. So if the limit is 20mm (2cm) for thickness (the height dimension in this case), keep it lower like 18mm or even 16mm. If a buyer tries to order oversized pieces, or too much volume, it'll default to the parcel shipping option you have setup.

    Here's the link to my page that shows some of the settings I have to give you an idea: You will probably get burned a time or two though with Lettermail meaning a buyer paid for Lettermail service, but bought a part that had the wrong dimensions in the catalogue, or weren't even configured, and seemed to sneak through. In these cases, you need to ship with parcel. Up to you if you want to reach out to the buyer to see if they're ok removing the piece(s) that are oversized, especially when starting out, but later on in these cases you just eat the cost and ship.

    Please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions :smiley:
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