We got various complaints from Canada and the USA about shipments not arrived in 4-6 weeks. We shipped these by small parcel with registration number (no track&trace) so we can prove shipments have been send out.
It looks that overseas shipments take a very very long time to arrive. I know that there are many problems with airfright capacity (PostNL normally used passengers flights) .
Some buyers announce to reclame (or ask as refund) and seem to be unaware about the present situation.
I wonder if any seller has equal experiences and I also am curious about shipping time to other 'overseas' continents.
I raised the same question on another forum and shipping time up to 8 weeks have been reported.
I hope buyers understand the present situation neither of us like, and have some more patience.
And once they're in the US, they're at the mercy of US customs and the USPS, both of which are operating at reduced capacity as well.
To not expect delays is unreasonable.
The same is true for most non-European destinations. But according to bPost, the worst delays are actually being experienced in France, and to a lesser extent, Italy.
Although, I was wondering how much more is the fully tracked service for you? I noticed when I purchase from German sellers most are using this registered option, while a couple are using the full track/trace and for the same shipping cost. The reason is that it's very difficult for us to know if it's just lost or maybe it had problems at customs etc...
If it doesn't cost you too much more, I'd definitely recommend switching to track/trace these days. Although if they're fully insured as registered mail with PostNL already then maybe it's not worth the extra fees.
a 20kg parcel to US which was shipped March 14 via DHL and was cleared in Frankfurt March 19 arrived in US (Texas) today !!! So it was shipped and custom cleared and on flight to US well before DHL started their restrictions. Since April 1st DHL doesn't accept small packages to US and only accepts bigger parcels of at least 5kg with Service Premium (=additional fee of EUR 16). On their info page they say that this is due to Transport and delivery problems inside US.
for quite a while DHL didn't accept any parcel shipment to Canada. Now they again accept some, but only small parcels.
no shipment accepted by DHL
further Information: end March before DHL restrictions started they stored a lot of shipments in their facilities awaiting that they could be forwarded. When there were too many and they ran short of storage facility they sent shipments back to sender and finally simply stopped accepting such shipments.
8 lbs Priority Mail to New Zealand, Posted on 4/20, delivered on 5/5, was impressed of the speed.
8 oz First Class to Switzerland, Posted 5/3, Left the US on 5/6 and nothing after that.
PostNL has raised a corona tax, especially making the tracked and insured shipments very expensive.
The problem is that is is difficult to get the picture of what is going on. Moreover it is hard to find out what exactly causes the delay. So posting experiences might help a bit both buyers and sellers of what to expect. I would ask buyers: Don't worry too fast.
Some countries are very fast though. Most Asian countries are fast and Europe is not too bad. But Americas in general are with big delays. I just wish Buyers could be more understanding during these difficult times.
Stay safe everyone. Play & Stay Well.
"...Current flight capacities are lower than the volumes of received consignments. Shipments may wait in Prague for up to several weeks so that the total delivery time may exceed one month. Last week alone, we managed to send about 6 tons of consignments to the United States and about 4 tons to the United Kingdom, but the capacity is still insufficient.
Problems can also occur in the opposite direction when consignments are delivered from the United States to the Czech Republic. The USPS sends part of the volume of consignments to Europe by ship and then by truck."
The text in full may be found here:
My customers were pretty relaxed about it. I kept them updated as best I could.
What annoyed me the most is that tracking of packages to the US doesn't work at all since Corona hit. Either the tracking is completely blank from the moment it leaves The Netherlands, or there is a delivery date that keeps moving.
Two weeks ago I stopped direct checkout for the US. US customers should know about the delays before they order. So quotes only for the US now, so I can tell them what to expect.