Make "Response needed" unchecked by default.

I'd like to hear other opinions on this, but I think that users don't really know how to use it.

Every single message I got, had the response needed thingy on. Which makes it very annoying as it tells me I need to answer messages I don't need to (Thanks for your service, Thanks for the quick reply, etc.).

But maybe others don't prefer it that way.

Also, maybe something to detect if you have replied thru email and mark the message as read and replied?



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Thanks for that point. Would be nice if marked as read too, as to answer it you have to read it. ;)

  • I'm happy the way it is, altho "senders" should be sure THEY uncheck messages that don't need a response, with a default the way you suggest important messages might get missed
  • I prefer it checked by default. It is very easy to click "no response needed" as you read it and leave it as response needed if you have to come back to it later. Thus also helps to remind that it still needs a response.
  • I guess it depends on the volume of messages that need responses versus the volume of messages that don't. BTW, did you delete your comment before Graham?

    It is indeed easy, but people don't notice or don't know, and don't do it.
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