Orders Page dropdown additions

Would it be possible to add "Select all Processed" in order to quickly select orders and a "Create Coupons" with to the new dropdown on the Orders Page?

If Create Coupons led to a bulk coupon creation page would it be possible to list orders individually and include Seller Notes, a free shipping checkbox and number of times purchased? Those are things I would need for bulk coupon creation if combined with the recent coupon upgrades of saving last selections.

Thanks, I see massive time savings ahead.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I believe you can filter by processed, and then click on the "check all" button, rather than selecting them individually.

    Bulk coupon creation isn't something I want to implement at this time, at some point I would need to look into how stores are using coupons, and what we can do there.
  • @lawrence, perhaps we already have this and I simply haven't noticed, but would it be possible to consider adding to the activity dropdown on an individual order screen (that dropdown where you can change to invoice, do a refund, etc.), "create coupon" that then opens a coupon create screen that prefills in that order's username and defaults to user-specific coupon?

    That would be a time-savings for those unfortunate times we're short a part or the great times when we just want to do something positive for a specific customer related to a generous order. Right now, I have to copy the user name off the order, pop back to my store, pop back to coupons tab, select user-specific then paste in the name...

    Just a thought for consideration! :-) Keep up the AMAZING work you've been doing, you have just been on FIRE - I'm not quite sure when you sleep! ;-)
  • Sandy needs to learn how to read, lolol! Thanks, Lawrence!
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