Seeking Help: Taking a 2012 LDD file and PDFing It/Generating a Parts List

Hi folks! My real-life boss has a son who wants to part and build out a stunning aircraft carrier MOC he found. The file is in LEGO Digital Designer format, which is no longer supported by LEGO (nor links a part database online).

I had not installed LDD previously, so when I installed it - as it can only work offline now - I have no LEGO DB access.

Is anyone on here willing to take the file and open it in their older installed version of LDD and output an instructions PDF and parts file? Or to try to convert it to Ldraw format?

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help or to give me some ideas! I spent a lot of time on Google, but the reality seems to be no one has found any easy way to convert or output this unless they already had LDD installed on their machine prior to LEGO stopping support. :-(


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