Find numbers

How can I find the Brickowl numbers for Minifigs and what is the Search query to find a minifig?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Depends on the minifig as to how easy it is to search for. Character named figures (Han Solo, Jack Sparrow, Princess Leia, Emmet, etc) should be pretty straightforward, but more generic figures, such as those that appear in the Town and City ranges, may not be. If you have the figure, might be worth searching for 'Torso' then filter by colour and scroll through the results until you find the one you have. All being well that torso will show a 'Comes in' tab, which will show you the figures it forms a part of.

    The 'Browse' option at the top of the screen can be filtered to minifigure, then further by theme and year, which might narrow things down too.

    As for the Brick Owl numbers they appear on the catalogue entry, but of course you need to find the figure first!

    Alternatively you could upload a picture here and see if someone else can help.

  • Thank you very much for this info. I'm going to work with it. :)
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