A couple of notes on “sanitization”

Maybe helpful to some.
In the absence of hand sanitizer, a substitute could be alcohol, however vodka ain’t it, unless over 150 proof.
Everclear is 190 proof and inexpensive, get a small spray bottle and use it on hands, then rinse off when you can. Also cleans just about anything! God knows who drinks the stuff!

To sanitize the stock room, we use a ozone generator purchased from Amazon about $70, switch it on for an hour after finish for the day. Don’t stay in the room or return for at least 8 hours.
We got one initially to deal with mildew and dealing with smokers residue in our rental property. Found it also effectively gets rid of spiders and other unwelcome insects, as well as repelling rodents.

I can’t claim effectiveness against this virus, however it’s what we are doing, it definitely kills creepy-crawleys


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That is AWESOME that it repels or kills the crawlys, I will look into that for our garage, thanks @graham!
  • When I see things like these, that are apparently very cool remedies to a lot of problems (as you listed, smoke residue, repelling insects, etc) I always get scared about how un-natural it is. And, I mean, what happens if you spend 20 years going into that room (after those 8 hours), which, of course, even if 8hrs passed, will have higher levels of ozone than usual?
  • Not as unnatural as you may think. If you’ve been in a thunderstorm you will recognize the smell, also to a lesser degree when it rains. Don’t you feel slightly “energized” after a storm and almost involuntarily taking a deep breath? That’s you getting an extra small amount of oxygen, actually ozone O2.
    The decay rate is very quick and once it’s gone it’s really gone, yes these generators put out a powerful punch and will cause lung damage IF you stay in the room.
    Also you’ll likely recognize the smell if you’ve stayed in a hotel, where the room smells fresh (not perfumed), they are used a lot in the industry.
    I use it once a week in normal operation.
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