Best place to get Lego?

Where would the best place to get Lego Minifigures/Pieces/sets for resale on BO? Suggestions anyone?!?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The $64,000 question! I imagine the answer depends on where you're based, and it might be easier if you're a registered business and can access wholesalers (though Lego doesn't sell to wholesalers in every region). Otherwise try and grab then on sale or getting deals with independent toy retailers (offer to take all their returns at discount), yard sales, Ebay, etc.
  • For used items for resale, Craig's List has been a fantastic resource for me! I just have a mental price limit ($X per pound) and roll with that - have scored at least 500 pounds of great parts this way. Some folks will come down in price if you're clearly a serious buyer, too. Many Moms selling their kids stuff after they leave for college (hopefully they are telling them first! <S>).
  • I buy on a regular base stocks per weight or sets from 'moms' in the region here. Most of the times there are quite a few nice sets which I can get from it. (my main goal is te re-assemble used sets to completion). The remaining bricks I use as stock/resale here to have extra budget for the next load of bricks....

    Still a starting buisiness over here but it's going steady.
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