Ideas to make catalog contributions easier

I've been helping to edit the catalog for a while now, and have some suggestions that might make life a bit easier.

1. Is it possible to add the total sum of items in an inventory, when you are editing? This way you can easily check the total with the piece count.
2. It would be nice to be able search for sets with incomplete or no inventories. Likewise, for those missing images, dimensions, etc.
3. When looking at a set, the inventory tab has a number stating the number of entries in the inventory. It is not the total sum of items in the inventory, which is confusing when you are looking for sets with incomplete inventories.

I'm relatively new around here so I don't know if these suggestions have been made before. Am curious to hear from other contributors as well!


Purple Cat


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Just a comment regarding point 2, if you follow the edit catalog link at the bottom, you will find a link to show items missing data. You can also view part counts on the normal inventory viewing page at the top.
  • Thanks Lawrence, that helps. I hadn't noticed that link before. As for viewing the part counts, I know that shows when you open the inventory. I'm just lazy I guess. :D
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