International Shipping Rates

Does anyone know where I can find a table with USPS international shipping rates? I'd like to go ahead and set up automatic checkout, but I don't want to have to click through the shipping calculations for every country across the globe.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I believe there are four or five bands. One is a slightly reduced price for Canada and Mexico (or maybe they are different but close enough). There are a couple of other bands as well. For international, I set up one type for CDN/MEX with the more expensive option, and another for the rest of the world. Far East Asia is actually a little cheaper than Germany but not by enough to warrant me making a new shipping type.

    Look at my shipping terms if it helps. You'll have to modify the bands to fit whatever the weight of your packaging is.

  • There are generally 4 bands, with some exceptions at upper weights that cause them to divide it up into so many. Mexico, Canada, Europe, and Asia. The last two aren't exactly by continent, but you can add countries with the same rate table to that band, and that's the only option your buyers see, so it really isn't that big of a deal.
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