A few decorated / stickered items without reference - let's update Brick Owl together

Hello @ all,

I have a few items in my stock which have either a sticker or a decoration, but I do not know where they come from. Maybe a few of the stickers are on wrong parts or maybe some decorated items are "customized prints".
But I guess that you might be easier know the sets / themes the parts could come from.

You can find a PDF file with the parts enclosed. Please excuse, the small person inside my computer who's responsible for formatting the PDF went already sleeping :-)

With your help of part identification I can help to update the Brick Owl catalog.

I'm curious who quickly I can eleminate the list.


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 61 (BOID 625848), 62 (BOID 769936) and 63 (BOID 5746) are all from set 70317. I took photos of most of the stickered parts for this set and when submitting them BL didn't have equivalent entries. I seem to recall adding BLIDs for those that did, but there would have been some (possibly these three included) that didn't.

    I don't recognise the rest so hopefully others can help

  • I recognized some as I have them for sale myself:

    1 (BOID 626461-81)
    9 (head from BO ID 990748 - unsure if there is a head-only entry yet in BO)
    10 (head from BOID 221282 - unsure if there is a head-only entry yet in BO)

    Hope that helps whittle things down a touch more! I usually end up slogging through these by finding the non-stickered/decorated part, looking at all the images for the stickered/decorated version, and if it doesn't exist, creating it (and the sysadmin then tells me if it already exists and just had no image and a lousy name no one could possible tie to it <s>).
  • No. 24: I'm pretty sure this is a torso sticker applied to a slope, which was never part of an "official" build. And a waste of a fairly rare Classic Space torso sticker!

    No. 46 is a STAMP (STicker Across Multiple Parts) from set #7621 Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb. I'm not sure if these are allowed in the catalog or not, since the only thing keeping the parts together is the sticker (big sticker over 2x Dark Tan 2x2 tiles; this set was a little before the 2x4 tiles came out...); @Lawrence can you confirm? BTW I love this part, which is a classic easter egg from the Raiders film (R2-D2 and C-3PO are among the hieroglyphics on the walls in the tomb!).

    No. 57: Count Dooku, BOID 761064. Or is this a Count Dooku magnet from set BOID 19927?

    I know I've seen 6, 29, 45, 49, and 56 somewhere in an official inventory, just can't remember where.

    @Calibrick One thing I'll do for unknown parts or BOID without pictures: I'll find the "alternate" ID from another "inventory" site (wink, wink) and write to Lawrence to see if this already has an existing BOID. If so, then I'll know which part to link to which set. If not, then I can create a stickered version per the normal procedure.

    I also find it a little frustrating trying to suggest alternate names for generically-named parts on BO, as we can't just copy the BL naming conventions, but the BL name is usually exactly what we'd want to call the part! My creative writing and thesaurus skills are getting a workout here...
  • @Oldfan Yes, I think STAMPs are allowed. I think they're listed as assemblies as I updated BOID 402605 with a description and photo some while back, and that is how that one is catalogued.
  • No 33: BOID 257683 from set 314
    No 55: BOID 508478 from set 6382
  • @Jay37 yes, those types of assemblies make sense, but your example is two bricks stacked on top of each other and easily maintaining their shape. What about those like the one here where the only thing keeping the parts together is the sticker? I know BL doesn't allow these, but I'm wondering if BO does.
  • @Oldfan Sorry, yes, my bad - didn't read your post properly! Didn't realise they were two tiles. See your point now.
  • @Oldfan, yes, BO allows multiple parts "held together" with a sticker - I've seen those on here listed as an assembly with their own unique part ID (since the sticker makes it unique).
  • May I say I am VERY impressed with how so many of us took the time (and this was just posted yesterday) to pitch in and try to help ID these parts for our fellow seller! THIS is part of what is so special about BO - we truly try to help each other (goodness knows, many of you on here have helped me IDing things I simply cannot figure out). :-)

    You folks are AWESOME!! <3
  • @Oldfan the policy was changed on BL and such assemblies are now allowed. If you look at the most recently added stickered assemblies on BL you will see several that are only held together by the sticker.
  • Thank you for your support - I could already create / eliminate a few items.
    Any other ideas of the use of the items in the updated list?
  • No 28 - BO 871744 (set 75899)

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