Set Inventory Verification


Could we have an inventory verification process please? Something to verify that the inventory is complete and checked against something (instructions or actual set). It would be nice to know at a glance since most inventories are not complete and I (and probably others) would like to improve all aspects of the catalog.

Please upvote if you agree.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Upvoted... good opportunity for us to continue evolving and improving the catalog!
  • I would very much like a note on the inventory page: "inventory made/updated on [date] by [member name] based on [source]". Member name of the submitter would help to discuss discrepancies/errors easily.
  • I think the newer inventories are provided by LEGO's API (I'm just guessing, I could be wrong). Perhaps there are two notes (only when applicable): inventory created by [username, date] AND inventory verified by [username, date] against [options: set-in-hand | instructions].

    And there is some kind of catalog point reward for verifying an inventory (there is already a point structure for creation).
  • sorry, I wasn't clear enough. My wish for a detailed note on inventory page was meant for vintage sets which didn't have an inventory list on instructions or box. No collector owning a new sealed set of 50 years of age will open it to make the inventory. For such sets inventory will always be made by checking used sets, and direct discussion between owners of such sets would help to get an almost correct inventory. BTW, for inventory lists of such sets long existing sites as for instance Peeron are normally more accurate than newer sites.
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