Hello I’m a new seller to the site, does anyone have tips that can help me grow my shop?

Hello I’m a new seller to the site, does anyone have tips that can help me grow my shop?
Feedback would be very appreciated thanks


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome, @TheBrickBird! I did a lot of research before I opened shop - the biggies seem to be to have enough variety to show up when people do their wish lists (e.g., thousands of unique lots if you are ONLY selling non-rare stuff), offer exemplary customer service (ALWAYS!!! <s>), and price reasonably competitively.

    Some people do very well specializing in specific areas only and carve out a niche, such as Minifigs, new parts only, or Bionicle. :-)

    Those are just a few quick thoughts...

    Outstanding customer service pays for itself - you sleep great at night, plus about 20% of them will leave you great feedback, which will also help grow your store over time. :-)
  • You need to find your direction. What do you want to be?

    * New Lego or used Lego ?
    * minfigs or bricks or both?
    * focus on international or your own county?

    In all cases, the more you list the more you sell ;)
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