Adding BL IDs

I am relatively new to BrickOwl and still finding my way around. I have been looking at owl2bsx before I set up Bricksync. When downloading my inventory I get numerous warnings about not having a BLID match for the BOID. From what I understand I need to edit the part on BrickOwl and add the BL ID by getting the part number from BrickLink. I wanted to check that this is the right thing to do and, if not, what I should be doing.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Adding BLIDs to BO - a great idea in itself - unfortunately wouldn't affect owl2bsx, as that program uses an internal hard-coded list of BLIDs from around the time of its last update. And it hasn't been updated in a while. However, the program does spit out a list of items it couldn't find a BLID for and this allows you to add them to the generated bsx file manually.
  • Thank you for such a quick response. I will install Bricksync and add any missing BLIDs to BrickOwl.
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