Sudden drop in sales #'s.

Has anyone else seen a sudden drop in # of orders? During the summer we saw on average 5-8 sales a day with an uptick over the weekend. This past weekend we only had 4 sales and last night only 1.

The only thing we have done differently was to add our terms to our page. Since then it seems like our #'s have dipped.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As @Hoddie mentioned, totally normal for this time of year :smile: People are rushing with last minute Christmas shopping, cleaning the house, etc... Probably won't see much action until January as many are also spent out ($$$) from the holidays - I know I am!
  • Yup, there is a definite dip in sales, check this pic from some other site.

  • Yep and me but tbh with all the extra shifts I have had to work (I work for a very large superstore chain where every little helps :D ) I am quite relieved as I would find it hard to keep up. On the other hand my November sales was the best month since opening yay.
    Christmas only comes but once a year so things will pick up - hopefully
  • Just as @Hoddie and @Emporiosa mentioned, normal. Let's all wait for January when global sales of parts at shut down due to extended holiday and skeletal crew to meet their demands- they don't ever seem to see that consumers are searching their site then to buy additional parts for new or old builds- We all have what these customers want!
  • I was seeing a significant sales drop until I adjusted my store pricing this weekend - now it's picking back up to where it was last year at this time. I had repriced in late October, but I think the flood of new people coming from BL (who are all VERY welcome!!! <s>) are bringing in lower pricing, which at least for my store caused adjustments. It was a relief to see orders back to 4-8 per day again (we're a smaller store).

    My biggest sales month last year was actually January though - so fingers crossed we see that again this year! I think people are seeing what $$ they have left after holiday shopping, then finally shop for themselves. Or folks spending their gift $$. :-)
  • Nope January spike comes from TLG bricks & pieces being closed. They shut down to handle missing pieces from all their Christmas sets sales every year. They usually open up again mid Feb. However they are usually closed in December but this year they are not. So maybe that has changed...
  • @leopard37, wow I had *no idea* they shut down for the month - what an odd business decision by TLG! Thanks for the input, that's super interesting.
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