When shipping and paypal addresses differ...

Given that the standard PayPal rule is to always ship to the address registered with PayPal, how come BO tells us to deviate from this and always ship to the delivery address the buyer has registered on BO?

In the event a seller does fall foul of a scam, and ships to the address as advised by BO, does BO help out when it comes to claiming to PayPal for seller protection, etc? Or am I missing something?

I'm just curious btw, it hasn't happened so far and hopefully won't, just figured I should find out.

Many thanks


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Personally I don't worry about it. A while ago I had a buyer who denied permission for PayPal to draw funds from their bank account, resulting in the payment that I received being reversed. In other words, it's possible to scam and pull money back even without a claim.
  • I have brought this up in the past, but didn't get much of an answer. I will usually send a message to the buyer just clarifying which address they wish to use. If its a high value order, I let them know ill only send to the PayPal address.

    So far not had an issue, but I'm sure one of these days it will be. Not sure why BO has this policy.
  • What @Vegitt said, I do the same and check - typically someone moved and just hadn't changed their addy yet in that platform (if high value, I have asked someone to mod their PayPal address which worked out fine, so buyer/seller protections stay in play). :-)
  • Thanks folks, I normally do the same when the usual flags are raised (high value order, newly registered buyer, or zero or low feedback, etc). But it just seemed like maybe BO had a specific reason (or arrangement with PayPal) given that it's pretty much a universal rule with PayPal that they will only recognise the registered address on their system.

    Either way, no worries, I'll just stick to what I know, until something better comes along.

    Many thanks :)
  • @vegitt , Right, we sent a message to a buyer to clarify. No response. Went ahead and sent to the "Delivery" address, per the instruction box at the top of our order page that the delivery address differs from the PayPal and to be sure to send to the delivery- with a different first name, and in another city from the other two registered name/address.
    Now, today, looked to see a message that delivery was "attempted" but the box was full...therefore, not delivered...
    What now?
    Hopefully not a problem, buyer has a lot of history with BrickOwl.
    Seems appropriate for a buyer with a longstanding differing delivery address from the other two should include a message to the seller to confirm/reassure.
    Our minds go to the possible reasons- it is their son who lives with his mother, searches, arranges to buy, dad pays, ships to son. Retired dad, searches, orders, son arranges to pay, ship to dad...
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