Selling remainder of store inventory (61632 parts, 879 lots)

Hi there, I would like to sell the remainder of our store inventory (I'm moving to other countries and it's not very practical to carry around!). I'm not entirely sure how to proceed or the selling price, but it should be of some interest to an established seller.

Here's the BrickStock BSX file of the inventory:

There are 61632 parts in 879 lots, weighting 50kg. The total "quantity average" selling price is 4870 USD, but we all know that's not a very relevant metric. The pricing algorithm was a bit complicated, so the inventory should be a balanced mix rather than just a bunch of leftover undesirable parts.

If someone is interested, the sale would proceed through BrickOwl (not sure if we can somehow do a custom lot, I wouldn't want to list as a very expensive 2x4 brick and skew the pricing history).

It's worth mentioning that the physical inventory will contain more than these 61632 parts... For the past 5 years, whenever a bag of parts was misplaced (ended up in another drawer), the lot was removed from the digital inventory while the physical bag just remained in the wrong drawer. The good news is a bunch of extra lots of parts for the buyer. The bad news is that the buyer should probably do a full audit of the inventory.

I'm thinking I could receive offers in private messages, and pick the first one that seems appropriate? Or the best offer after a time?

I'm of course very aware that it would go for much less than 4870 USD. The whole lot would ship from Montreal, Canada.

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