I have quite a bit of minifigures at the moment and noticed quite a bit of them have those nasty collage pictures. I was thinking of updating the pictures for the ones I have, but was just wondering about my new figures. I honestly don't have a problem with assembling them just once to take a picture (I actually used to assemble all my new figs awhile back to make them easier to identify), but I know some people are picky about new pieces. Should I put a note in the description of the minifigs that I do assemble just once or could I just leave them as is and not worry about it?
I personally agree with Randypip - once assembled, new becomes used/like-new IMHO. It was touched for something beyond sorting (heck, it was assembled then unassembled). My personal, respectful opinion only.
For images that I don't have the parts for, since the entire site uses TLG-provided images, would it be inappropriate or illegal to find TLG-OWNED (only!) images and upload those? There are still some very old ones bouncing around online in the way back machine, etc. To be crystal clear, NOT from another site or something someone else took, but one that TLG explicitly owns. That might be an alternative solution, though I would absolutely defer to @lawrence on that one.
I guess what I'll do is just make a note in the figures like I used to.
Firestar has an interesting point, I am taking away someone's fun which I hadn't considered... but I am also concerned about parts scraping together in the polybag in storage or getting lost.
As with most stuff, there's no right way or wrong way really, just that we're clear with our customers, no? :-)