Print error- is it worth anything?

So I got set 75234 the other day to part out. I grabbed the minifigures and there's a print error with the chewbacca. There is no dark tan fur on the head piece. The eyes, pupils, nose, teeth, and gun belt (both sides) are printed clearly, but there is absolutely no dark tan fur. So would it be worth anything special? I made a post about this on the other site and someone already contacted me and offered to buy it for a higher price, so somebody thinks it's worth more. But how much is what I don't know...


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As with anything it's only worth what somebody is prepared to pay.
    That said serious collectors do tend to collect oddities.
    Bear in mind if there's one there's likely to be more, I wouldn't even notice as I wouldn't know what its supposed to be!
    List high and come down.
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