Set Inventory - Parts used in Minifigs

sometimes I struggle over inventories of sets which includes a part which is also used in a Minifig. For example set 9488:
- Part 28974, Medium Stone Gray (Boid=985917), Quantity 1 is in the inventory of the set
- Minifig Arc Trooper with Backpack (Boid=8756) is using the part 28974 in its inventory

--> In sum I will need the part 28974 with a quantity of 2 (one in the set and one in the minifig) if I outsource the set from my stock. The person who will build up the set will have the part 28974 left over.
--> Other Elements from the Minifigs are not listed (head, torso, legs, etc.)

- Other examples in this set with the same Minifig are:
- Dark Stone Gray Plate 1 x 2 with Handle - Quantity 2 in set: used 1 time in set and 1 time in Minifig
- Dark Red Helmet Accessory Pack - Quantity 1 in set: but only Dark Red Clone Helmet Rangefinder with quantity 1 is used out of this accessory Pack

Now my question is if I should update the inventory and delete / revise items like this if they are used in a Minifig? What's the philosophy of the catalogue about these items I can find in many sets and which are used also in Minifigs?



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It happens quite often. I always suggest deleting these loose parts, usually with a short explanation: "The neck bracket (28974 / 42446) is already part of the minifig (ARC Trooper with Backpack) inventory and should be deleted from the set inventory"
  • I will continue this way and see what Lawrence will tell me then. :-)
  • @OliS If the minifigure is from a new set there may be a delay in removing the pieces of up to 48 hours, I believe you are mostly dealing with old sets correct? In those cases it's probably due to the minifigure being created not through the set but through a new item and then added to the inventory, in this case the automatic parts removal does not occur and the pieces would then need to be removed manually.

  • @leopard37 Yes you're right. I am dealing mostly with older and used sets. And always when I am ready to part out a used set from my inventory I compare the partslist between Bricklink and Brick owl. And the differences I double check with the instruction. This allows me to update the Brick Owl inventory correctly (let's say 99%).
    Therefor, my process seems to be correct. But it's a good information from you how the inventory works for a new set.
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