New items added under used

Can anyone answer me why people would add items under used items but them mark as new? Is this allowed?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you mean they are listed as used but there is a note saying they are new? When I add stock my default is used (good) but will switch to used (acceptable) if I deem it necessary. If I have new stock to add, which isn't often, I'll switch the default to new so the six monthly average will be displayed. Maybe there are some who don't realise they can do it this way and assume the default can't be changed.
  • A few months ago we were able to take over an obscene amount of parts from a friend who was a professional builder of sculptures etc. The majority of this was never used, but because we can't be 100% sure of the provenance of each lot, we are listing everything as "used" (but we did not add notes).
    Maybe something similar is the case here.
  • Ah thank you both and Jay no I didn't realise that - thanks
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