Catalog Points Redemption Questions.

So, I have some questions about redeeming prizes with catalog points.

1. When I redeem a prize, will it subtract from my total towards the 3 yearly prizes?
2. For the 30 days of no fees and store featured prizes, I notice it says there are x of 500 remaining. How often does that 500 get replenished?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 1) No, shouldn't do. I believe the yearly total and, er, total total is your accumulated points earned and does not decrease on prize redemption. It will be different at the bottom of your personal catalog contribution list as this does take into account prize redemption.
    2) I'm guessing it is replenished either at zero or well before. I've never seen it get that low although I'm sure the total amount of 'prizes' has changed over time. Maybe Lawrence manually adjusts this (or more likely he has a scheduled task to do it which is triggered when a certain amount is left).
  • Thanks @Jay37 !! So what you are saying is that those two rewards should never "go out of stock"; they should always be available?
  • I'm guessing so. As they are not physical prizes it would be up to Lawrence to decide to keep offering them or withdraw them completely but given that they act as an incentive to help with the catalog it would seem counterproductive to let them run out.
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