I have many buyers who make multiple purchases from me in the same day. The combine feature allows them to simply add on to their original order while only incurring shipping fees equivalent to the additional weight. (+$0.10 fee that I charge) I think that the fact that buyers can do this is a huge bonus and goes a long way towards customer service.
*** What I would like to is the ability to combine picking list for those buyers. ***
I can't tell you the # of times I have pulled orders for the day and then packed up all of the orders only to realize as I'm printing labels that 2 of them are addressed to the same person. I can have 15 packages sitting beside me at which point I have to go digging through them to figure out which orders belong together. Because picking lists have the bare minimum information on them (order # only, no names) once they are printed there is no way to correlate related orders.
So I have 2 choices: 1-print a picking list then write the name of the buyer on the top of the page or 2- print the order sheet and waste paper. While orders are slow it isn't that big of a hassle, but once fall comes and I am getting 150+ orders in a month it will become a huge liability and easy way to screw up orders.
Thoughts from other sellers? If someone else has a better way of handling it I would love to hear it.