US sales tax by state option

Currently the only way to apply tax to sales it by zip code range. Not all states have sequential zip code #'s. Please add an option to tax by state as well as zip codes. Currently in GA there are 951 zip codes. According to the 16 pages worth of zip codes I've printed I will have to create 19 separate tax profiles just for the first page of #'s.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do they not just go from 30001 to 31999?
  • That would seem reasonable, wouldn't it? We have 29 zip codes in GA between 39813-39897.
  • Ah okay, so can you setup two profiles, one for 30001-31999 and 39813-39897?
  • I set up the second profile last night and then spent 30 minutes refunding sales taxes that had been charged to FL buyers. Hopefully that will fix the problem.
  • @Wild Bricks, I had the same issue with California, as there are a couple of district-specific tax rates I have to do. I just did zip code ranges as Lawrence noted, it works great. Just remember the tax collected is built into the price, not a separate line item if you look at the full order onscreen (i.e., tax plus product total will not equal total as it's already baked in). :-)
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