Town head 52516

Can anyone advise whether the above town head is available with black glasses in stead of blue please? I can't seem to find it but the ones I have appear to be black. The markings are stubble and mouth are exactly the same!!
Thanks in advance


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not sure but I have just packed an order this morning for this exact piece and I would say the blue is more dark blue and with the black frames maybe this gives the impression of black glasses. I had to double check. I can't find anything on the catalogue but that's with just a cursory look; if one does exist it may not have a user friendly description!
  • Thanks again Jay - just packing an order for customer and further down the order from the sunglasses tinted blue was the same head same number but description omits word blue. I am going to send them to customer and just explain to him and if they are not acceptable will just refund. But I think I will leave a friendly description too B) :D
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