Can you please...

Create a way to download our inventory as a .bsx file or other Brick Store readable file? I use Brick Store for all my editing and uploading and it would make things much easier if I were able to import my Brick Owl store.



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I second this motion. This would also allow us to much more easily keep our inventories up to date on other sites we sell on.
  • I would like this for inventory manipulation - a BSX file does not "violate" the other places TOS
  • From what I remember from previous questions and remarks regarding this matter:

    - Brick Store uses Brick Link tags. This would violate TOS if BrickOwl were to generate these files
    - The link between BrickOwl ids and BrickLink ids is gone and even when it was there it was apparently difficult to generate the required information from BrickOwl tags/ids alone.

    So in short: won't happen. Best solution now is to adapt existing software to work offline with BrickOwl inventories.
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