Geographic location shop statistics

Hello, is there a way to know where visitors are coming from to view items in your shop?

I eventually plan to add more shipping locations than just the UK, but it would help streamline the order in which I add countries (and postage rates, etc) if I could tell where my greatest audience is.

Help always appreciated, thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No. The store analytics orders page will give you this information when you've sold something, but the only clue you have that anybody, anywhere, is looking at your store is through the page views and active carts shown on your dashboard (and page views doesn't include you looking through your own store). You'll probably find as a UK store the majority of orders will be to the UK anyway, and then maybe Europe and the US. If you eventually set up shipping for the US they're in World Zone 1, so you may as well set all WZ1 countries together.
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