Parts Lists for older Lego Sets

Just wondering why the instructions for earlier lego sets don't have parts lists. I am trying to put together a few sets from the
1990s and find the instruction manuals don't have parts lists. Also the parts lists from lego sites are generally incomplete. Is there any reliable source for guaranteed 100% parts for older sets?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know if anything is ever 100% guaranteed if it doesn't come from TLG directly as printed matter, but I've always found Brickstock (google it - tool you download, then create NEW and import a set by browsing by set number) is usually pretty accurate for parting out sets from this period and the early 00s, or aughts, or 21st century - whatever the best nomenclature is! :-)
  • Thanks. I am going to register now!
  • The only way to be sure: follow the instructions step by step and make your own list (and hopefully you'll then submit the inventory here). There's no site which you can trust 100%.
    Therefore, when selling one of my vintage sets, I normally repacked the parts in baggies with notes 'step x to y'
  • Just to add, if you go the build route for inventory checking - don't forget to attempt any B and C models, there's commonly extra parts for them in the older sets too.
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