We bought a grab bag of pieces and this was in there. No idea what it was from and there is no part number on it except for a 4 and an 03 on the back. I’ve tried looking on a few different sites but no luck!
@Lawrence as this part (and several others) comes up quite frequently in posts like this, maybe there could be a page on the site that displays these commonly-unknown parts for the benefit of the users? The LEGO watch bezel would be another one that is regularly posted in "what is this" forum posts across the web...
(not to take anything away from the very helpful posters who answer questions like these very quickly, you folks are the best!)
I'm sure we've all struggled with identifying pieces. Took me ages to work out what a Bionicle eye was given it looks nothing like an eye and if you asked me to pick a word to describe it, eye would not even make the list!
(not to take anything away from the very helpful posters who answer questions like these very quickly, you folks are the best!)
(But then BrickOwl-ified...)