are they the same?

minifig Sensei Wu: BOID 125224 and BOID 108494
What's the difference?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Tan hat vs. pearl gold hat. One comes in 9446, the other in 9450. And it appears the pearl gold hat version is placed in the wrong set. Figuring out the change overwhelms me. Do we change the figure, or remove him from 9446 or change the hat color in 9446 (without changing the 2 other gold hats not used in the figure)? Goldhat version needs to stay in 70505. But goldhat needs to move to 9450 and tanhat needs to move to 9446.

  • Thanks Brian. That's how I found the error. I'm just parting out 9446 and wondered that Sensei Wu from set inventory is not in my store (but Sensei Wu with tan hat is !) Thought I made a mistake in listing (I don't use the part out function but check all items and add them manually).
    However the wrong image in 9446 is my mistake (I added the assembled minifigs to the set inventory, and submitted the wrong Sensei Wu as the item name mentioned it being from 9446)
  • Just a note to say I think these have now been cleaned up, they have also been linked up together as variants.
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