Coupon(s) - please add more parameters

I wanted to create a coupon code for 20% off order up to $100

i.e. I want to cap the coupon at a max value of $20

it seems at the moment you can't cap the coupon value, could you please make this possible?

Also it would be nice to be able to make it one use per unique buyer, and also enter a start and end date.

I am getting ready to do my mass mailings (1000+). If only the cap is possible that's OK

I will be holding off on this pending response/fix?



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've added the maximum discount total. I do have plans to add many more options at a later date.
  • Would be great to be able to offer free shipping on orders over $75 just like TLG does. I would like to do this soon but would prefer to not have to issue a coupon for this to happen. Is there a way to do this now/already programmed? Would also be nice if, while customer is shopping and adding items to their cart, if it told them that "Add $__.__ more to your cart and shipping is free".
    I like the way this site does it (
    Item Price Qty. Total
    Gloss Lace Yarn - Natural $6.49 2 $12.98
    * shipping and/or taxes not included in subtotal
    $37.02 left until Free Shipping!

  • You can make a free shipping method, with a minimum order subtotal limit on it.
  • I've added the maximum discount total. I do have plans to add many more options at a later date.
    Thanks - now to sort out mailings :)
  • Making a free shipping method is not so easy. The starting by price parameter is set to $0.00 and I can't change it to $75.00. Is there a way to make this changeable? I would also like to limit the free shipping over $75 to parts only and be able to exclude sets or boxes in that offer.
  • If you set the band from $0 upwards with free shipping, you can then apply a minimum order subtotal limit, so it is not available on small orders. You can use the dimension limits for it to only apply for certain sizes.
  • I don't have a parameter for a minimum order subtotal or dimension limits when creating a coupon?
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