Problem with self-restructuring order

Hi everyone. I'm new to this website, and let me tell you, this is great :D

So here's my problem. I've spent a fair amount of time creating my order. I'm spending about 30€, and it's distributed in 3 stores. But when I try to select them in the Wishlist page, it self-redistributes all the pieces. This would be ideal because I guess it means some pieces are cheaper in another store.
The problem comes when, because of this, I don't meet the minimum order of one of these stores. So I'd like to put some pieces back into let's call it "the third store", even if it will be more expensive, because I have to spend that money anyway. And even if I pick more stuff from that store specifically, it may place it in another store if it's cheaper there.

I made a few wishlists, and one of them was for the stuff from that store (thing is, I need something from that store specifically). I was pleased when, when I activated all the wishlists, the items from the 3rd store went from 5 (the items in the store-specific wishlist) to 33 (from all the wishlists), as I actually had still some room to meet that minimum, and didn't anymore.

But now, when I pick the other stores, the number goes down to 4. As I have no idea which are the 28 items I didn't count on for that store, I can't make a separated wishlist with those 33 items, and make a separate order.

→→→ And here comes the question: Is there actually a way of knowing which items went to each store when you're in the "store-picking page"?

Thanks in advance, and for the patience for trying to understand my case :D


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Jesus... I just had to add it to the cart, and the list is there...

    I apologize, everyone. I was gonna delete this post, but I thought of leaving it here, just in case it helps someone else. If some moderator believes it's better to delete it, go ahead :)
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