Adding new stickered parts - Bricklink-ID is missing

Hello Brick Owl Team,
I have recently uploaded a lot of stickered parts for Friends and Elves. For all the new stickered parts which are approved in the meantime I have directly added the Bricklink number. Anyhow if I open now these new parts I do not find the Bricklink-Number. It seems to me that it has been lost during the transfer.
Is this a site issue or have I made something wrong and it would be better to add additional ID numbers later on?

Bricklink-Number is 93140pb001



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I believe if you search the threads you will learn that the BL ID is not accommodated for legal reasons (which makes sense).
  • OK, if it's not accomodated why do we have the possibility to choose it? Then I guess this field and maybe some other external ID fiels should be deleted!
  • Oli I believe the BLID is still there, it is just not possible to see it. Lawrence will check to see if it is correct. I think it may take a day for the 'sync' to happen if you have it listed on BL.

  • BLID is not visible on the site, but can be used by API. It is used by Bricksync to sync store inventories between BL and BO.
  • edited October 2018 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @OliS The bricklink number you state leads to BOID 30253, so it has been logged when you part was approved.
    But as other stated, it cannot be displayed publicly (and therefor it is invisible) and only serves the Sync process, reason you can't search for it on BO.
    The field 'BLID' remains submittable when you open the part and want to edit, as BO can hold more then 1 BLID, handy as sometimes when BL changes the number (adding a zero for example), so BO can hold both the old BLID and the new BLID (updating an existing number is also possible with a textimport on bricksync which then replaces the old number by the new number).

    So when you checked and saw that empty 'BLID' field, you assumed wrongly it wasn't logged and/or that your sumittance failed. ;-)

    You can always test it in Bricksync:
    type: owlqueryblid 93140pb001
    Bricksync will answer: The BLID 93140pb001 resolves to the BOID 30253

    Soon you have such match, at your next sync it will get listed on BO
  • Hey, Thanks for your many explanation. Now I got it how it works.
    My aim is by adding the BL-Number to have the parts also available at Brickowl when the people use the BrickSync Programm.
    Therefor everything seems to be running well and I can proceed with my work.

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