Copy inventory from one set to another?

Is there a way to copy the inventory of one set to another, for cases where there are two or more identical sets with different set numbers (i.e. 1477 and 6509, 462 and 897, etc.)? Also, is there a field to note when a set is identical to another set within its description/information?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Unfortunately not, but you can put a note on an item by editing its description
  • I'd love to be able to export a wishlist, set inventory or an order in BrickStock format. It's the one feature I really think is missing. I'm assuming this is to stop people moving things back and forth to BL, but it would make my life as a seller on BO so much easier.
  • @hoddie Wishful thinking, it will never happen... The reason is simple: Brickstock is entirely based on the BL catalog format (aka numbering system), and it is exactly that what BL doesn't want to be displayed/actively used by BO (exporting from BO using that format would be a reason for BL to attack BO), reason we have BOID's on BO. Those BOID's are unknown in Brickstock. TLG's numbering system would be ideal as commonly used number by all sites, but that ain't supported on BL, so obviously not on Brickstock either. And TLG didn't have an elaborated numbering system before a decade or so ago, so older items would be a major issue.
    The only option is a new management system, where both BLID's and BOID's are encoded(an dmatched), but that would be a manual task from either the one who would write the program, or contributors offcourse.
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