Quote requests providing automatic calculation

When I have to enter quotes there's currently no way I'm aware of to see what my shipping methods would charge it as. I will do the calculating and 9 times out of 10 arrive at what my shipping method would have precalculated. Maybe it's an idea to display what shipping cost would be automatically generated by the shipping methods? And maybe a button to just use that figure? I am not getting a whole lot of quotes but it would be nice to just be able to quote instantly and it should be easily possible.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If the order would have been covered by your shipping methods, you can edit the settings on the quote shipping method so it will only show when no other method is available.
  • Thanks for your response. But I think it's good to always have quote as a backup option. The other methods may cover it but perhaps an item can trigger high shipping costs by mistake (because there's a mistake with their dimensions) and the buyer would like a second opinion. Or maybe there is some other situation why either the buyer or the seller would prefer to go for a quote and adjust or check something manually. Useful to have info on what the shipping methods would precalculate then.
    Besides, if there indeed is such a dimension error and you would notice that the precalculated amount is indeed much higher than what you are quoting, you are aware that something is off and more likely to correct it in the database.

    Anyway, as I'm not quoting much I can't call it "time consuming", though if they'd become frequent I will keep this option in mind, thanks.
  • I agree with Teup that it would be nice if I could have the shipping quote automatically calculated be selecting one of my shipping methods. For most quote requests the automatic shipping methods already provide the best cost.

    But it can happen sometimes that an item has wrong dimensions that make the cheapest (letter) shipping option unavailable so I still want quote request available for all orders.
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