Update sale percentage through API

Hi guys,

First of all, great work on the API! We extensively use the API to manage our inventory and orders and it's working tremendously. Thank you!

We are in the process of putting a few items on sale. We determined what items we wanted to put on sale through our internal database. Our query isn't currently supported by BrickOwl's web interface so we can't really do a bulk update through there. Now that we have a list of BO lot IDs that we want to update, we're kind of facing a wall though. The current lot update API doesn't seem to accept the "sale_percentage" attribute, nor does it set a sale percentage through the "sale" attribute (tested it).

There's also two other things that we encountered that I wanted to have mentioned:

* "Brickstore XML Update" in the web interface raises the error "No BL lot ID found", though I'm sure that the lot IDs exist (though we used BO lot IDs and nót BL lot IDs). Not sure if this is a feature or a bug, so just wanted to mention it.
* Using "Brickstore .bsx update (Update with lot IDs)" raises no errors, no warnings and no success message. The contents doesn't seem to be processed as the sale values stay at zero (my XML contains only "ITEM" nodes with "LOTID" and "SALE" nodes).

In the ideal world, I'd like to request being able to update sale percentages on existing lots through the update API. I still wanted to mention the other two interesting bits so I thought I'd add them here. If you want me to open another topic for that, just let me know :)

Thanks in advance!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sale percentage updating via the API has now been implemented

    If you are receiving the error "No BL lot ID found" and using BO Lot IDs, that would be the issue there, as Brickstore is designed for BL as opposed to BO, although I believe some users have a workaround for this.

    I'm not sure about the second issue but it may be a similar problem
  • I keep on being amazed at how quickly you can implement these kinds of things @Lawrence, awesome!

    @Stragus Any chance BrickSync could be updated so we can now also sync sale percentages? Would be great!
  • That's awesome, Lawrence! Thanks for implementing this so quickly.
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