Sell as minifigures or parts

Hi Do people think it is better to sell minifigures or split them up into parts. I know it is a matter of opinion just want some advice please


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I sell all minifigures as figures unless they are used and under a limit, then part them out. Both pieces and full figures sell well. I think you could make more parting them all out, however you may have to wait longer.

  • Figures from some themes (Ninjago) don't part out well at all. Star Wars flesh heads sometimes sell for as much as the entire figure. Generic figures (City, etc.) usually sell better as pieces rather than a full figure.
  • @WESTIEKATH Ha, the eternal question (which very much applies to sets as well): break up or leave it 'as is'. The reality is: it's simply a gambling game, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose... What works for one might fail for others, and vice versa. There is only one things that matters: your personal experiance: try this, do the opposite if it doesn't work, try again months later and you will always have new results... in the end, it's just a matter of building experiance and make things work for yourself, without trying to match another one, as the other person 'results' will be entirely different then yours... Final costs play a role, overall availability plays a role, competition plays a role, market flow plays a role. What happens today might not be the same tomorrow, when 'too small' your business is affected, when 'too big' your business is affected... There is no guideline, there is no 'method', there is only patience, luck and your personal experiance (which will never stop changing over time) ;-)
  • Ah something to think about there robernat - good advice as usual.
    Thank you all for your comments - think i will wait and see which sells best - early days for me at the moment :-)
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