Download piece models for printing?

I know this site is for purchasing the pieces, but I think it would be nice if you could download a model of a piece as well. I see that a lot of the pieces are actual models in the pictures, not sure if those are taken from an official site or if these have been modelled, but if they are modelled specifically for this, why can't we download them?

I'm in a situation where there are quite a lot of pieces I would like to replace via stronger piece (case in point replacing this: with this piece:, but in lime color, which isn't available in any of the original lego models... it says there is ONE lime one available here, but I'm skeptical that this is the correct piece) for some of my bionicle models, and edit the forms of some other pieces with the ones of stronger CCBS pieces so that I could print them in a stronger format. I have yet to find a site that provides this feature, as there are only a few models for pieces out there. I could model these myself and scan some of my pieces to easy it for myself, but I'd rather have everything ready, at least for the pieces that I need, before I go and buy a 3D printer.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Unfortunately we don't have any models available but you may want to look into LDraw as they have many models available.
  • Oh, thank you :)
    Having trouble finding one specific piece though, would anyone be able to help me? Here's the list for pieces on the site:

    And the piece I'm looking for is this:

    May be it's not on there, as I've done a thorough search for it and couldn't find it for some reason :/
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