Is there an issue with the messaging system?

I received an order the other day that I needed to contact the buyer about (an error on my part that I wanted to discuss before shipping), so sent them a message. I did not hear back so sent another today, but still no response. The buyer is in Canada (I am in the UK), so I'm aware of the time difference, but it seems strange that I've had nothing. Has anyone else had this issue? I can remember last year there was a problem, so want to establish if this is a) a system fault, or b) my customer being unwilling or unable to respond.



  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There’s not an issue we are aware of. Unfortunately it’s not at all uncommon for customers not to respond to emails, both on Brick Owl and other marketplaces.
  • Thanks for checking - I'll send the order with a note to explain and hope that'll be OK.
  • edited April 2018 Vote Up0Vote Down
    > @Lawrence said:
    > There’s not an issue we are aware of. Unfortunately it’s not at all uncommon for customers not to respond to emails, both on Brick Owl and other marketplaces.

    Not to be negative but to be honest I have this problem only on Brick Owl and not on 2 other marketplaces. But I wouldn't know what could be causing it or what could be done to solve it... Maybe people forget they signed up or something like that. Like when you sign up at a webshop as a "necessary evil" to get your stuff and forget about it, rather than to be an actual member. Best to just live with it it seems.
  • Luckily my customer did eventually get in touch, albeit after I messaged them a second time and seemingly with no knowledge of my first one. Just as well they accepted my error and were happy with the alternative as I had posted the order two hours beforehand!!
  • The only issue I have is that I am recieving spam from some AHOL named Douglas Mertes in my message box and the email address they are coming from is
  • @nomadnayr When you receive spam, it's better to simply report to admin with the 'contact us' button below any page so @Lawrence can have a look at it. You're safe anyway, as all e-mails are encrypted on the site, reason you get a mail
  • > @nomadnayr said:
    > The only issue I have is that I am recieving spam from some AHOL named Douglas Mertes in my message box and the email address they are coming from is

    *AFOL ;)
  • I was wondering what a AHOL was. ;-)
  • Adult Hater of Lego?
  • Adult hoarder of Lego :) that would be me.. :D
  • Good one, Teup!
    My husband dubbed himself this morning an AEOL (Adult Enabler of LEGO)... ;;)
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