Brick Stock problem?

I can't update data base - get error message "Download failed. Couldn't resolve host name"

Also can't check for update to Brick Stock

But I can "Import set inventory" and also update prices to 6 month average.

Anyone? Thanks G


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No problem here, it just says I already have the latest version.

    The problem might be that the database is updated by Patrick every few days (or just weekly maybe) and not downloaded directly from BL.

    Importing set inventory is done locally (using the previously downloaded database) and the prices come from BL directly.

    So it looks like your computer has an issue retrieving the file from Patrick's server. This might be because of a firewall blocking something or because the server was just temporarily unavailable.
  • edited March 2018 Vote Up0Vote Down
    No, the link for update is automated and straight between BL and the 'clients' of Brickstock (data is stocked on harddrive).
    It's something else and I think I've seen that before...
  • Are you sure? I recall that BL restricted the api recently so you now have to login to retrieve the database. Patrick worked around this by downloading it himself every so often and putting it on his server. It's also the reason BrickSync can't retrieve set inventory's anymore.
  • I seem to have missed messages about that. When? What?
    And I don't recall changing my version either (and I rarely run an update - did just now-). If Patrick is actively storing the BL data (and not on daily bases) for Brickstock users, then we're in for problems in the long run... If he fails to do so for a couple of weeks, Brickstock is virtually dead...
  • @Graham: did you try clearing your cache and cookies?
  • @robernat I found the old thread on BL, see here:

    He mentions it automatically updating every hour but that simply isn't true. For an example see part 2594. It changed from x126 to 2594 on the 10th of March but BrickStock will still show it as part x126.

    It's one of BrickStock's many problems. If only he would release the source like he should this could be fixed.
  • edited March 2018 Vote Up0Vote Down
    well, I did miss that... December 29, 2016? I'm always away during the x-mas/newyear break so clearly it escaped me...
    And since then updates are being run straight from Patricks server? jeeee...
    And now I also understand why I'm getting an error on a decorated item that was moved recently from pbxx to pbxxx on BL (didn't have the time yet to check out the problem), if Brickstock isn't updated, all of those bricks are excluded from the sync simply because of the fact updates aren't frequent enough *sigh* (and no avail in adjusting the BLID on BO either in such case).
    Well I sure learned something new today LOL (a day without learning is a wasted day anyway).
    @Stragus How about Brickmanager, any progress? Did you find a way to solve the update problem?
    Oh, and afaik, the real source ain't protected (brickstore), only Brickstock is. Would imply someone needs to start from scratch using brickstore as base and make the same changes Patrick did, then improve..
  • Bricklink doesn't update the database made available to BrickStock as often as they used to. A set can be added to BL but still take a few days to appear in the database that BS can download. I have no evidence for this other than my own experience, but I think it's only updated a couple of times a week now, whereas before it was several times a day.
  • Does anyone know whether Patrick reached an agreement with BL about the use of the API to retrieve new data?
    Maybe BL's restriction of API calls(/day/week) forced Patrick to change the schedule...
    I'm curious to find out whether the update is automated (I hope it is).
  • I don't know if he has reached an agreement with BL. I do know the most recent version implemented batched price updates which is easier on BL's server. The source for this version is not open sourced and I highly suspect that's because BL doesn't want that api implementation to be known. If it were public people could develop a better/new BrickStock and BL doesn't want that because they'll be launching their own seller tools.
  • I guess most folk don’t use brickstock?

    I haven’t uploaded new inventory for some time, first thing I did (attempted) was update database, when that failed I thought it due to using old version of bs, “checked for update” that failed.

    I’ll try signing in to bl first.
  • Strange it’s working now
  • @robernat Small update here:
  • Thanks, quite clear situation then: If PB doesn't login and doesn't run the update, everything will run weeks behind and in worst case it dries out in the long run...
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