Please be patient with me as a hobby programmer.
At the moment I transfer my database from Office Access (Yes I have started with this) to a web based solution by means of APS.net core with c#.
Now I have some difficulties with the API POST at Brickowl. It's easy to GET data from Brickowl - this is successfully implemented.
Can you give me an idea how to POST the data? My apiURI looks like:
I have tried the same ways I use at Bricklink (with content Json-Formatted), but it does not work.
Any help - and if it's only a small piece - is really appreciated.
Best regards,
This was also my idea at the beginning, but the first step has not worked.
Now I am sitting in a hotel in Cascais, Portugal and I will enjoy a local beer. Hopefully this will help to find my solution. :-)
I use jsonString with the whole content including key, Encoded UTF8, "application/json".
Does anybody can share his code (C#) with the Brick Owl API POST method? For your efforts I will activate a 20% voucher in my shop! I guess it's a fair deal, or not?
a) client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("key", MYKEY);
b) formData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("key", MYKEY));
HttpContent q = new FormUrlEncodedContent(formData);
I have also tried in both cases "api-key", "apikey" and "key" like I have found on several pages.
All the different ways I have found in the web does not work with my key. That means I have to send it in another way - but for this your documentation is unfortunately not completely written.
If I have solved the issue with the key (which works by the way for the GET requests) I can fix the way with the arguments.
Do you have any more documentation from your API interface?
printf( "POST /v1/inventory/create HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: api.brickowl.com\r\nContent-Type:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\nkey=%s&boid=%ld", content_length, your_brickowl_key, boid_to_create );
Where content_length would be the length in bytes of what follows "\r\n\r\n", the content.
Don't pipeline too many updates before the replies start coming in, the API server doesn't like that (BrickSync keeps up to 8 commands "in flight").
And in addition here's the C# code how I use it in ASP.net Core:
var formData = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
appUrl = "https://api.brickowl.com/v1/inventory/delete";
formData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("key", MY_API_KEY));
formData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("external_id", THE_ID_INVENTORY));
HttpContent q = new FormUrlEncodedContent(formData);
q.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(appUrl);
var result = client.PostAsync(appUrl, q);
var resultRead = result.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return resultRead;
In the KeyValuePair has to be the Api-key followed by all other arguments depending on the requirements in the Brick Owl API documentation.
Have a great time with LEGO or programming or anyhting else :-)
> Another comment to the last sentence of Stragus. In ASP.net core you don't have to take care about the "pipeline" with unanswered requests. This is solved from the program with the Async Post Method.
No matter what API you use, you still have to care or set how many requests are pipelined over the socket. Unless not using pipelining at all, but then it's a little slow.
I'm from the field of high performance computing, and I'm still baffled how web servers can't handle hundreds of thousands pipelined requests per second, but rather something like... eight. ;)