Hi - I have recently discovered this site and i think its great. Have already placed orders but now i need help in setting up my own store please. Can some one advise how do i set my postage costs and also how do i show i would post abroad. I have tried everything but cant seem to find/understand what to do. Could some please be of help?
To get there go to mystore/settings/shipping_methods and select the blue button in top right corner Shared Shipping Methods.
I was trying to see how if you choose a shipping method and didn't realize you have,Request Quote only so please Ignore my quote.
Hope it helps and Good Luck.
Ha ha Totenel sent a quote before i read this - so ignore my quote too lol
Everytime i try to post a question etc i am getting this message
{ "Code": 403, "Exception": "You need the Garden.Community.Manage permission to do that.", "Class": "Gdn_UserException" }
What does this mean please???
There might be a bug will email them and ask. As for me I certainly have got a bug THE Lego BUG - never thought I would enjoy my new hobby so much :))