Finding your catalog submissions

I added some items to the catalog and can see that I received the points, but can’t find them to add pictures. Is there a way to view items I have added to the catalog?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Once an item is approved, you would receive a link to it in a confirmation email. We’ve got some pending items from yourself we still need to have a think over.
  • The ones I’m talking about disappeared from my pending, and added to my point total. I never got an email about them though.
  • Same here. I added a couple of sticker sheets last week but never got an email about them.
  • When I've posted stuff and haven't seen an email, I check the main catalog page and look through the newest items. Perhaps they are there...
  • I only get an email if there's an issue with one of my submissions (e.g., being rejected)... which I am very, very happy about (goodness knows, I get enough email!).

    What I do is go to my submissions page... you can look at the counts of submitted and pending by area then compare to your points in the final column (it's all side by side). That generally tells you in a roundabout way how much of your submissions have been accepted, rejected, or are pending. If something isn't pending and my point total went up, it was accepted and is already live, in my experience (I've been trying to submit a lot lately to get my store live).
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